Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Thirsty Thursdays

Have you been longing to meet other like-minded people passionate about art? 

Thirsty Thursdays is an exciting event offered up to create an opportunity for like-minded people, namely the art interested folks, to get together in a social environment - a chance to share ideas, news, or just drink beer with friends and maybe put a face to the names that we see regularly. We will meet at different places in the Valley on Thursday nights about once a month. 

The first Thirsty Thursday will be held in Berwick at the Union Street CafĂ© on December 1st, 2011 at 7pm and stay as long as we wish.  Bring your own creative materials and of course your ideas on potential future projects.

In the New Year, Thirsty Thursdays will be held in Kentville at Paddy's Pub and in Wolfville (place to be decided). We hope that having different venues will give everyone a chance to attend.  Dates will be on the AKA website and an e-mail will go out to our mailing list.

Here's a photo from Thirsty Thursday which was held on March 22nd, 2012 at Paddy's Pub in Kentville. It was fun to gather with artists and talk about what we're working on, ideas for projects and life in general. Thanks to all who came out to join in on the conversation.

Monday, 24 October 2011

International Artist Day ~ October 25

About International Artist Day

October 25th is International Artists Day and it's gaining support worldwide. This grassroots movement is not mainstream as yet but artists and galleries in communities everywhere are jumping on the bandwagon. Perhaps an overview is needed to explain the concept.

Artists are a much ignored group although almost anything you use day to day has an artistic design at its root. Throughout history art has been the most important defining characterization of a culture or people. Art survives personalities, dynasties, movements and civilizations. Artists are pioneers and are usually at the forefront of changing times and events.

True art is timeless and universal and recognizable to all. Where does the inspiration for art come from? What makes some art priceless and other art mediocre? Actually , the artist themselves are the lynch pins. Art that is inspired comes from a "formless and unexplainable dimension" and is translated by the artist. They are natural conduits and are household names because of the recognition of their contribution to culture and humanity.

The day chosen to honor artists worldwide is October 25th, Picassos' birthday. Why this artist and not another was more a matter recent contribution. Picasso was instrumental in bringing art to the masses more than any other artist up to that time. He is the iconic artist personified. Now more than ever it is important to focus on art and culture. Mainstream television, globalization and the internet are wiring everyone up to the lowest common denominator. By giving our attention to artists, we have the opportunity for one day to focus on what is eternal and timeless in our civilization. Oct. 25th annually can give us a reason to participate in the arts personally. 

For further info on this movement, check out:

Monday, 17 October 2011

Cultural Map of Kings County Project

On Tuesday, October 25th at 7:00pm the Kings Regional Development Agency, in partnership with the Alliance of Kings Artists will be holding a public meeting to begin creating a Cultural Map of Kings County. 

A Cultural Map is used to visually represent local cultural assets such as studios, galleries, performance venues, heritage buildings, cultural events, stories, and museums to name a few. By identifying cultural assets and placing them on a map, we can help our community better appreciate and understand what and who exists in the cultural sector, and how our cultural assets can contribute to community and economic development. 

For further information about the meeting, to RSVP, or to learn more about the Kings County Cultural Mapping project in general, please contact us at

**To follow the recent updates with the Cultural Map, visit:

Friday, 14 October 2011

Pumpkin Mosaic 2011

Alliance of Kings' Artists is pleased to announce the gift of the Pumpkin Mosaic 2011 to the site of the Wolfville Farmers' Market. The mosaic is beautifully framed and now resides in the lobby of the DeWolfe Building. The piece was inspired by an original painting by Alan Bateman titled "Pumpkin Blossom" (Acrylic on Board 36" x 16"). The pumpkin mosaic was created by 21 artists working in various mediums. Each tile is 12" x 12".
Pumpkin Blossom by Alan Bateman
Pumpkin Mosaic 2011